History of Presenting Injury
- Region
- Date of Onset
- Mechanism of Injury
- Medical Attention to date
- Physician
- Imaging
- Medications
- Pending Consults / Orders
- Getting better?
Medical History
- Previous Injury?
- Did it fully resolve?
- Family Hx
- Hx of Surgery
- Other
- Recent illness / fevers / sweats
- Recent overseas / long haul travel / immobilization (eg for suspected DVT)
- Loss of appetite / loss of weight, etc
- Primary Complaint
- Location
- Referred pain?
- Nature
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Time to resolve
- Triggers
- Relieves
- Wake patient?
Physical Exam
- Observation
- Need to look at site of interest, as well as joints above and below
- expose the bodypart
- Deformity / Swelling / Bruising
- Quick Tests
- Gait
- Deep squat
- Single leg
- Proprioception / Balance
- Active ROM
- Physiological Movements (including joints above and below)
- Ask to the patient to move actively
- Active assisted if reluctant to move and does not cause distress
- Palpation
- Palpate the bones from the joint above the problem, to the joint below
- Palpate soft tissue structures
- Be specific to what you are palpating
- Special Tests
- Specific to the area(s) of interest
- Used to:
- Clear a region
- Potentially diagnose pathology eg Lachmans
- Distal Neurovascular Function
- Sensation
- Power
- Reflexes
- Colour
- Movement
- Warmth
- Sensation
- Capillary Refill
- Pulses
- Upper Limb (Radial, Brachial)
- Lower Limb (Dorsalis Pedis, Posterior Tibial, Popliteal)
Social History
- Occupation
- Residence / Live with
- Stairs
- Entry and #
- Inside and #
- Support System
- Who would they call for help
- Community Services
- Social Program
- Home Care
- Home equipment
- Walking
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Washroom
- Shower / Tub
- History of Falls
- How many
- Last fall
- Where
- Reason why?
- Able to Get up
- Call for help?
- Injuries
- Fear
- Mobility PRIOR
- Supine to Sit
- Sit to Stand
- Ambulation
- Stairs